
Or: Why does the website look different?

Tomas Polakovic


January 19, 2023

New year, new me website look!

Since its inception, this blog has been made using Pelican as the static site generator of choice. It became my go-to because it had the wonderful option to render Jupyter notebooks without me having to use any external tools, which saved me a lot of headaches. Unfortunately, the plugin that enabled this feature got abandoned and my personal computer got upgraded to one with Apple’s ARM processor, so I couldn’t revert to older Python versions where things worked smoothly. I somehow made it work for my most recent post, but it took a lot of finagling and I realized that this is not sustainable. Since then, I discovered Quarto, a technical publishing system that has the option to generate static websites as well. It works seamlessly with Jupyter notebooks, has a more streamlined workflow and I can see myself using it for other things, work-related or not, so I made the switch. I think all my older posts render correctly, so there’s no need to worry if you’re new or a returning reader.